Thursday, April 9, 2009

Egglicious Easter Eggs

Easter-time Boredom Ideas!
1. Wake up, eat chocolate
2. Have breakfast, eat chocolate
3. Have lunch, eat chocolate
4. Eat a little more chocolate
5. Dinner consisting of chocolate
If boredom gets the better of you over the long weekend then try making these delicious Easter Eggs or Easter baskets with the kiddies. You too like my sister will be the 'best mummy' ever!
I will definitely be indulging again in chocolate treats once Easter Sunday rolls around. I have abstained from chocolate for the entire length of Lent (40days!). Not from my religious roots but as a self-restraint challenge for myself but as my colleagues tell me it's 'utter stupidity'. Even in the office over the last week when lashings of luscious chocolate were on offer, literally like water pouring out of the tap, I declined. Even after cooking with this velvety sweet dessert this week, I declined.
I now have a full tray of chocolate Easter eggs that I have selfishly horded like a child ready to devour all to myself.
Bring on Easter Sunday ;-)
Chocolicious Easter Eggs
the ingredients
750g good quality chocolate melts (We used Callebaut, available at specialty food stores)
the fun
Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Remove from heat, place chocolate in a heat-proof bowl place on saucepan, stir regularly until chocolate has melted (Don`t let the bowl touch the water!). Pour a thin layer of melted chocolate inside egg poachers, swirl poachers until chocolate reaches the edges. Refrigerate until chocolate is set. Spread another layer of chocolate, keeping chocolate as smooth as possible on edges of mould, refrigerate until set. Repeat with remaining egg poachers. Gently ease mould away from the edge of chocolate and decorate as desired.
Happy Easter Eating!
love amie x

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