Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Survival of the fittest!

I knew that I learnt something from all my years of studying biology 'Survival of the fittest', was on my mind.
Life can be tough and hurt sometimes like falling off a bike!
So when times get tough I get moving, literally. Bike riding, running, golf, surfing safaris, scuba diving, cooking classes and whatever else my inquisitive nature can take on.
My first bike riding trip in Sydney was not all smooth sailing, I did make it. Finally arriving sweaty and dusty from an hour long ride!
At my destination and what a relief, as the day passed by my juvenile enthusiasm slowly waned. When into my inbox pops an after work surfing invite. The thought of missing that incredible feeling of jumping into the surf for smelly old 'ride to work clothes' screwed up my nose. I searched high and low for a lift back to Bondi.
To no avail I was destined to ride home, sore bottom and all. I jumped onto my lovely truck bike and headed home along the coast. The route home seemed easier perhaps it was the help of a guide!
My motto or mantra for today - If at first you don't succeed then try and try (and try and try) again!
love amie x

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will have to come surfing with you one day Ames!

From Aimee