Friday, September 11, 2009

Zucchini WHO?

Is this another forgotten vegetable?
Named either Courgette or Zucchini depending on your code, this long green or gold vegetable may look slightly on the boring side but it offers an array of recipes and delicious surprises in the beginning of these warmer months filled with entertaining and fuss-free eating.
Grated, zucchini can be used in savoury slices, chocolate cakes and even muffins. Zucchini’s can be cooked in a variety of cooking methods including; steaming, fried, boiled, simmered, stuffed, grilled and even barbecued for a great vegetarian option. Zucchinis are a somewhat bland tasting food and so will capture the flavours from other foods they are cooked with.
The zucchini is an extremely low energy yielding food that has a substantial amount of dietary folate, magnesium and Vitamin A for good health so eat your greens next time your mum insists.
Store in the chiller section of your refrigerator for up to 3 days, zucchinis are prone to chill bruising, which you will see as inverted little welts on the skin.
TIP - If you are lucky enough to grow your own zucchini if you have the space make sure you keep the flowers, which grow from the end of the zucchini. Wash and pat dry each flower, make a quick batter of flour, soda and salt. Stuff each flower with a mixture of ricotta, Parmesan and mixed herbs, dip the stuffed flower into the batter and fry for 2 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and place on absorbent paper. Serve immediately.
This recipe reminds me of my other sister, Joanna. Each time I visit without a doubt she will have this in her refrigerator or be making a fresh batch. We learnt this simple recipe from our mother and I suspect this is one of Joanna's favourite's.
Buy firm zucchini free from blemishes at your local supermarkets or if you are lucky like Joanna, use freshly picked zucchinis. Which she grows in her large apartment-sized vegetable patch. Pick zucchinis when the flowers are blooming or about to or when they are 20cm in length as this is when they are at their best.
This slice recipe makes a perfect lunchbox companion and easy picnic food.
For bub x

Zucchini slice
makes 1 slice tray
prep 10 minutes
cooking 35 minutes
the ingredients
2 teaspoons oil
1 onion, chopped
4 rashers, rind less bacon, chopped
5 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 cup plain flour
3-4 zucchinis, washed, grated
1 cup tasty cheese, grated

lets have some fun
Pre-heat oven to 180 C for fifteen minutes.
Heat oil in a non-stick fry pan over medium heat. Add onion and bacon, cook for 5 minutes or until softened and slightly brown. Remove onion mixture from the pan and set aside on absorbent paper.
In a medium bowl combine eggs, flour, zucchini and cheese, stir through onion mixture and pour into a slice pan lined with baking paper. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Slice and serve hot or cold.

love amie x

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