Friday, August 7, 2009

Julie & Julia: The anticipated Hollywood movie premier

With all this talk about Julie and Julia, I am feeling slightly ravished.
Julia Child and Julie Powell, two people who were worlds apart. Thrown together by fate, passion or accident (who knows!).
A movie I am desperately eager to watch when it arrives onto the doorstep of Australia, I will be there waiting with bells on!
The iconic Julia Child, a recipe writer, television star and inspiration to the world of cooking.
If you are a passionate foodie like I than you will be salivating over this movie premier.

Check out these links for tiny sneak preview...
iJulie & Julia/i: The Hollywood Premiere
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love amsie x

Image source Gourmet Weekly

1 comment:

Gail said...

Hi Amie
I can't wait for the movie either! Great blog by the way - I'm enjoying reading it.