Friday, July 31, 2009

lovely lemon

The sour sister of the citrus family, lemon’s can make even the prettiest face turn!
Lemons can be added to a morning glass of water to help kick-start your metabolism, the perfect companion in honey and mint tea to soothe a sore throat or added to a favourite bowl for a visually bright addition to your kitchen counter.

In food lemons act as a preserver, balances and can often be the hero ingredient in many dishes; lemon curd, puddings, pies and tarts to name a few favourites. Experiment by adding a squeeze of lemon into your next stew at the end of cooking time. Or fresh lemon zest stirred through a dish of pasta, olive oil, Parmesan and rocket is simple and flavoursome.
Love a lemon and enjoy the many recipes they can create.
love amie x

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