Wednesday, November 19, 2008

summer lov'n xxx

Who remembers how good the vegetables used to taste freshly picked from grandpas’ bulging backyard vegetable patch?
I vividly still remember, the fresh taste of the first sweet peas of the season, which were found hiding in their little pods just busting to pop out and be enjoyed.
Local seasonal foods are tastier, fresher and more nutritious.Why? It’s because the produce has been harvested in the last few days and has only travelled a short distance to market. This means less packaging, processing and refrigeration. Helping to reduce your carbon footprint so it’s good for the environment (no flying in food from all corners of the planet) and for your health.
It’s now summer and the festive season can be felt amongst us all. There are so many new and exciting flavour’s to experiment with; Asparagus and avocado’s are divine this time of the year. Added to summery salads or just eaten alone with a drizzle of fresh lemon juice and a sprinkling of salt. Simple and satisfying!
Just like the many beautiful colours you see in a rainbow variety in your diet is the spice of life so think colourful when choosing your produce next; Apricots, Bananas, Berries (Raspberries, Strawberries), Beans and Capsicums are a great start to keeping up with what’s in season this month. In the spirit of Christmas and being ‘green’ in the kitchen this month choose fresh seasonal produce when shopping and help care for your body and the environment.

Love amie x

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